Tech Solutions Library > Get Face-to-Face with Mobile POS Technology

Get Face-to-Face with Mobile POS Technology

By enabling instantaneous transactions at a wide range of events and locations, mPOS solutions are proving adept at boosting fundraising performance.
Preview of mPOS Solution Spotlight

Think of a donation made through an mPOS as a modernized, way-more-efficient version of a donor completing a pledge card at a fundraising event or writing a check at an auction.

Then imagine how much time and money can be saved when you eliminate the need to follow up on pledges through phone calls and mailings.

To truly transform face-to-face fundraising, you need an mPOS system that integrates handheld mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, magnetic card and chip readers, point-of-sale software, mobile device management solutions, and of course, wireless internet access.

Check out our Solution Spotlight for a closer look at how mPOS can bolster your fundraising initiatives by streamlining in-person donations.

CDW has the expertise and experience to help you put together a high-impact mPOS solution that delivers instant donation fulfillment and supports robust donor data analysis.
