Research Hub > Are You Ready to Embrace Checkout Modernization?
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Are You Ready to Embrace Checkout Modernization?

Prepare for Multichannel Commerce

CDW Expert CDW Expert

To rise to the challenge of evolving consumer demands, retailers must be ready to support a seamless multichannel experience and embrace technology to modernize and improve the in-store shopping experience. Use this checklist to help ensure you’re prepared to effectively embrace checkout modernization.

Key Considerations for a Successful Approach to Checkout Modernization

What are my goals and business drivers for checkout modernization?

What business initiatives are you trying to achieve? How will checkout modernization support improvement and enable those initiatives? How can you align technology in the best way to further your goals?

Do I have a thorough understanding of my current technology state?

What do you already have in place to support digital media and engagement throughout your retail store? What do you have at the foundational level and what do you need to do to overcome the limitations of your environment? Have you thoroughly surveyed your current IT landscape?

Am I prepared to consult with an expert to find the right tech for my store?

Checkout modernization is not one-size-fits-all; do you have a technology partner you can lean on to advise on the right solution and ensure seamless integration? Are you prepared to trust someone to help ensure your modernization efforts align with your already established business initiatives in terms of what you need to expand, replace or upgrade?

Do I have an implementation and post-implementation plan in place?

Have you considered how to schedule deployment so it’s non-disruptive? Do you have a plan in place to manage your supply chain in today’s complex environment? Are you prepared to address ongoing procurement, management and evolution needs? Do you have a training and onboarding plan in place for all levels of staff to ease tech adoption and help stave off staffing and turnover issues?

Embracing checkout modernization takes a thoughtful approach. Let us help you get it right. Contact your Account Team or give us a call.


As you continue on your checkout modernization journey, review our roadmap to understand how CDW can align the process to your business outcomes.
