CDW Spotlight
CDW Recognized for Excellence in Gender Equity and Championing Growth in Tech
September 22, 2023
CDW Recognized for Excellence in Gender Equity and Championing Growth in Tech

CDW and CEO Chris Leahy were recently awarded the Women Business Collaborative’s CEO Excellence in Gender Equity and Diversity Award, recognizing corporate leaders whose efforts have made significant contributions to the advancement of diversity within their companies and increased opportunities for women in business roles.

Additionally, CDW was honored with 1871’s Corporate Champion Award, an award recognizing a company that consistently champions the growth of the Illinois tech industry through community-focused action. CDW was recognized for enabling technological transformation across industries, empowering companies to access and implement cutting-edge technology, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in an increasingly digital world.

The Women Business Collaborative is an alliance of women’s business organizations working together to achieve equal position, pay and power for all women in business. 1871 is a private global innovation hub with products, community, and resources for technology innovators.

Learn more about CDW’s commitment to DEI and how the company is empowering communities to reach their unlimited potential.