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JBoss BPM Suite with Management - premium subscription (renewal) (3 years)

Mfg # MW2495663F3RN CDW # 4606668

Software Details

  • Premium subscription (renewal) (3 years)
  • 16 cores
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Know your gear

Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite is an open source business process management suite that combines Business Process Management and Business Rules Management and enables business and IT users to create, manage, validate, and deploy Business Processes and Rules.

Red Hat JBoss BPMS uses a centralized repository where all resources are stored. This ensures consistency, transparency, and the ability to audit across the business. Business users can modify business logic and business processes without requiring assistance from IT personnel.

Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite (BPMS) can be deployed to automate business processes, such as automating loan approvals at a retail bank. This is a typical 'specific process-based' deployment that might be the first step in a wider adoption of BPM throughout an enterprise. It leverages both the BPM and business rules features of BPMS.

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This item was discontinued on January 27, 2022