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Mobility Is Great, So Why Isn’t Everyone Using It?

Digital workspace solutions and Device as a Service can help organizations achieve their goals for mobile technology.


The benefits of deploying mobile technologies are undeniable. Workers who can get their jobs done from anywhere, at any time are more productive and efficient, delivering significant advantages to their employers. They also tend to be more satisfied with their jobs and value the flexibility that mobility provides.

So if mobility benefits both employees and employers, why isn’t every organization implementing it?

For many organizations, the complexity and management challenges of mobile deployments are a significant hurdle. Further, users demand a high-quality experience from their mobile devices. Some IT departments may struggle to deliver such an experience.

I work with organizations to address these challenges every day. Many are finding that digital workspace solutions and Device as a Service can help them deploy mobile technologies more simply and effectively.

Deliver the Digital Workspace

Several technology vendors have developed digital workspace solutions, which make data and applications accessible to users from any device, simply and securely. For many organizations I work with, these tools enable productivity and flexibility.

For example, a global urban development company implemented Citrix tools such as XenApp, XenDesktop and XenMobile to push apps out to users’ various mobile devices. These products can virtualize applications or even a user’s desktop, delivering the capabilities and data that users need.

Another tool to deliver digital workspaces is VMware Workspace ONE. The American Red Cross implemented Workspace ONE to support its mobility efforts. Users gain access to an array of applications through a web portal that they log onto via the same credentials needed for their email accounts. Some applications run locally on a user’s device, while others run securely on equipment in the organization’s data center.

The Service Model

Many organizations want to maintain oversight and control of their mobile technology deployments, but they don’t want to own, deploy or manage the devices they use. Some may want their IT staff to focus on other initiatives that more closely align with strategic objectives and core business operations. For others, the number and variety of endpoint devices — smartphones, tablets, notebook computers and even wearables — may be too great to manage effectively. For these organizations, Device as a Service represents an excellent option.

In a Device as a Service model, a strategic partner helps an organization deploy, manage and retire remote assets. The service provider configures devices before they are issued to users, making sure they have the applications users need to be productive as well as the protections they need to remain secure. The provider offers help desk services when users run into problems and even disposes of mobile assets when it is time for a user to get a new device. All of this is delivered through a consumption model, under which the organization pays a monthly fee for each device.

A new approach that combines the best of several mobility solutions may offer even greater benefits for some organizations. The Workspace as a Service model combines unified endpoint management, digital experience management, workspace delivery and customized software with Device as a Service support. This model takes even more responsibility off the hands of an organization’s IT staff, delivering everything users need to collaborate and be productive on the go.

CDW’s Enabling the Workforce SummIT brought together IT leaders from across the country with vendor partners and solution architects. To learn more, visit the CDW Enabling the Workforce SummIT landing page at BizTech Magazine.

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Preston Harris

Preston Harris

CDW Expert
Preston Harris is a highly experienced and trusted CDW expert.