Research Hub > How Application Modernization Increases Engagement in Hybrid Settings
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How Application Modernization Increases Engagement in Hybrid Settings

While many organizations carry technical debt due to outdated, inefficient applications, they can experience immediate returns on investment by retiring and modernizing applications — and focus on what matters most.

Let’s face it: Many organizations are saddled with technical debt (aka tech debt) — defined as the cost of maintaining outdated systems as opposed to investing in better solutions.

If your organization, like many others, carries a vast portfolio of applications that are not modernized for today’s rising demands, this will lead to tech debt that can burden it financially. Running business off old operating systems that increasingly pose major security risks or maintaining applications that are unavailable outside on-premises locations are challenges that organizations must solve for longevity.

When establishing a hybrid work environment that is healthy and forward-thinking, application modernization is essential.

How You Know When Your Organization Is in Tech Debt

First and foremost, to begin implementing a successful strategy, you must be plugged in. Do you know if your organization needs to improve or replace existing applications that are inefficient?

If your business is no longer able to take on new projects, expand the scope of work or effectively service customers, you’re in tech debt. If you describe your business as staying afloat just to keep the lights on, you’re in tech debt. If you compare the speed of your business’ growth to that of a cruise ship (and I have heard this before), you’re likely in tech debt. Even supporting too many applications can cause overlap and, with a limited IT staff to monitor them, lead to tech debt.

The silver lining here: Application modernization is a journey, not a destination.

Whether you need assistance with maximizing your application stack’s capabilities or retiring legacy applications due to loss of manufacturer support, it’s OK — and smart — to ask for help. With many stress-inducing factors to consider, including product lifecycles, double spending on applications that perform the same functions and the extra demand on IT staffs when remote employees work outside of regular office hours, it’s imperative that you attain a complete picture of your infrastructure.

Modernizing Applications Today for a Stronger Tomorrow

If you make a habit of ensuring that your organization’s applications are modernized, then you are better able to prevent employee burnout, retain customer loyalty and pivot in the direction that the latest technologies point to. Daily, the IT sector revolutionizes the way we conduct business, and you must always be attuned to what’s coming next. Awareness can only benefit your business.

At CDW, our experts can thoroughly examine your application portfolio and identify timely, impactful solutions with support from our industry-leading partners. This will empower your organization with the abilities to save money where it matters most and to look down the technological road.

One of our clients in the oil industry previously relied on a legacy Windows deployment to manage applications, and were unprepared to work off-premises once the pandemic hit. With a hybrid management approach, our engineers assessed the oldest devices in their environment first, then transferred applications to the cloud and enabled this client’s team to work from anywhere. Additionally, we developed device-management policies for them that resulted in immediate returns on their investment. They have never been happier.

We work with clients 100 percent of the way to achieve digital transformation. And we are ready to help you.

Story by Anthony Fonti Senior CDW Solution Architect

Anthony Fonti

Senior Solution Architect
Anthony Fonti is a senior solution architect with more than 15 years of experience in the information technology industry. In the last five years, he has specialized in the digital transformation of organizations attempting to migrate to modern management. At CDW, he serves as a workspace inside senior solution architect, based in New Freedom, PA.