Say No to Offers of Inappropriate Gifts, Meals and Entertainment

CDW wins and retains customers because of our outstanding service and product offerings. 

We do not provide or accept business gifts, entertainment or anything of value to or from any person or organization if it is intended to improperly influence or reward an action or decision by them, or if it might otherwise create the appearance of interfering with our independent judgment. We also select partners, vendors and suppliers with integrity — based on the quality and value of their service and product offerings.

How IT's Done ...

  • Never provide or accept gifts or entertainment with the intent of influencing a business decision.
  • Provide gifts and entertainment only if they are modest, offered infrequently and in compliance with CDW’s gift policy and the gift policy of the recipient.
  • Recognize that there are additional restrictions on even modest gifts to government employees and other public officials regardless of their title or position.

Acceptable Gifts Are:


(Not influencing your business decisions or appearing to do so)


(Once or twice a year)


(Less than $50 USD)

How IT's Done ...

  • Never provide or accept gifts or entertainment with the intent of influencing a business decision.
  • Provide gifts and entertainment only if they are modest, offered infrequently and in compliance with CDW’s gift policy and the gift policy of the recipient.
  • Recognize that there are additional restrictions on even modest gifts to government employees and other public officials regardless of their title or position.

Acceptable Gifts Are:


(Not influencing your business decisions or appearing to do so)


(Once or twice a year)


(Less than $50 USD)

The CDW Way

The CDW Way icon design involving three interlocking rings with a solid center circle.

Even though the exchange of gifts and entertainment can help build and support business relationships, it is never OK to offer a gift with the wrong intentions.

Connection cable icon

Make the Connection

The definition of “government employees” is very broad and can include private parties acting on the government’s behalf or employees of government-run organizations. A government employee may include those in a public university or public school district.

If you need further information as to whether someone is a government employee or regarding the requirements relating to government employees and other public officials, please contact one of your Ethics and Compliance Resources.


For more information, visit the resource link below:

Gifts and Entertainment Policy