Women in IT: Learn How CDW Supports Bringing Your Authentic Self to Work

Find CDW at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing • September 20 - 23
Visit the CDW booth in Orlando and also in our virtual career fair. Share your contact info to stay connected with our recruiting team.

There's a Place for You at CDW

At CDW, we’ve always provided industry-leading solutions to our customers. Now, we’re leading the industry with tangible tools for women to navigate the workplace, advance their careers and inspire future generations of learners.

Explore our job listings to kick-start your tech career.

Together, we can carve the path forward by creating equal career opportunities for women in tech and celebrating their achievements. 

Our Commitment to Tech Equity:

We empower learners to reach their unlimited potential through technology. To improve gender representation in tech, we’re focusing our efforts on three critical areas:

  • Providing Access: We ensure people have access to the technology they need, including computers, software and internet connectivity.
  • Supporting Education: We power initiatives to excite learners about science, technology, engineering, computer science; and digital literacy.
  • Embracing Diversity: We’re committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Learn more about our comprehensive approach to DEI here.

Supporting Women As They Grow Their Careers

Life at CDW

Tips and insights from CDW women